LITTLE LISTENER. Yes, grandfather. Welcome to our camp. [She takes the Chenoo by the hand.] Come over here, sit down, grandfather. I have cooked a special meal for you.

[The Chenoo looks confused but takes her hand and follows her. They sit by the fire.]

CHENOO. [in a rumbling voice] Grrrrranddaughter, I accept your invitation.

LITTLE LISTENER. Here, grandfather, you must be hungry. Have some of this stew. This food is for you to eat.

[Chenoo takes some of the stew, eats it, likes it. Then picks up the pot and swallows down all of the rest of the stew.]

CHENOO. Gooood [he rumbles]. Granddaughterrrrrr, I am glad you greeted me and invited me to your camp. I was about to eat you. But now that I have learned you are my relative, I will not hurt you or the others who live at this camp. Tell me what I can do to help you.

LITTLE LISTENER. Grandfather, I am glad you have recognized me. There may indeed be some things that you can do to help. Now, though, all I want you to do is rest. I know you must be tired, grandfather. [She takes him by the hand and leads him behind the wigwam.] I have made a place for you to sleep with these bear robes. You can rest until your grandsons come back.

CHENOO. Grrr. Grrranndsons? I have grrrrrandsons?

LITTLE LISTENER. Shhh, grandfather. Go to sleep.

CHENOO. Granddaughter, I am tired indeed. I will do as you say, and I will rest. [She covers him with blankets and soon the Chenoo is asleep.]

[LITTLE LISTENER goes back to the fire and sits in front of the wigwam with a smile on her face. The three brothers enter from stage right, excited and happy, carrying what they have caught. They are eager to share their stories.]

OLDEST BROTHER. Today, I have hunted well. Look at these rabbits I have brought back.

SECOND BROTHER. Today, I, too, have hunted well. See the fine goose I have here.

THIRD BROTHER. Ah, brothers, I have also had a successful day. I have brought home this fine deer that I killed with one arrow.

[LITTLE LISTENER sits smiling in front of the wigwam, saying nothing.