Action verbs 6, 177, 242, 245–247, 335–337
Descriptive 73, 75, 143, 330–334
Number words 53, 144, 244, 330, 334
Possessive 7, 34, 329
That appeal to the senses 75, 102, 308, 331–333
Commands 145, 172, 206, 315
Common nouns 108, 323–326
Contractions 278–279, 315, 335
Exclamatory sentences 145, 172, 314, 318
Irregular verbs 38, 41, 68, 109, 138, 172, 338–339
Negative sentences 149, 278–279, 315
Capitalization of 34, 68, 213, 240, 274, 320–321, 323
Common 108, 323–326
Possessive 323
Proper 34, 68, 213, 240, 274, 320–321, 323
Singular and plural 326
Object pronouns 110–111, 179, 206, 329
Phrases with
Plural nouns 326
Plural verbs 6, 314–315, 335, 337–338
Prepositions 39, 144
Progressive forms of verbs 337
Proper nouns 34, 68, 213, 240, 274, 320–321, 323
Apostrophe 278–279, 315, 323, 335
Colon 319
Commas 34, 102, 138, 318
Exclamation mark 145, 172, 314, 318
Period 145, 314–315, 317
Question mark 314, 317
Quotation marks 172, 319
with yes/no answers 314
with Who, What, When, Where 176, 210, 245, 314
with Do and Does 176, 314
with How much or How many 244, 314
with How 211, 314
with Why 211, 314
Sentences 145, 274, 314–316 See also Questions, Commands, and Writing.
Singular verbs 6, 281, 314–315, 335, 337, 338
Spelling 12–13, 46–47, 80–81, 116–117, 150–151, 184–185, 218–219, 252–253, 286–287
Statements 314
Subject pronouns 179, 329
Subject-verb agreement 6, 281, 316
Action 6, 177, 242, 245–247, 335–337
do/does 314–315, 338
Forms of be (am, is, are, was, were) 38, 68, 109, 335
Future tense 279, 281, 338
has, have 339
Irregular 38, 41, 68, 109, 138, 172, 335, 339
Modals 4–5, 72, 74, 142, 337
Past tense 38, 41, 68, 109, 138, 172, 281, 335, 338
Present tense 38, 41, 109, 138, 177, 281, 335, 337
Progressive forms of 337
Singular and plural 6, 314–315, 335, 337, 338