analyze media 487
discover tools of the past 319
explore TV commercials 269
explore ancient Greek drama 536
research constitutional rights 415
research earthquakes 192
research energy 465
research floods 119
research freedom seekers 393
research Greek myths 557
research Hurricane Katrina 169
research hydroelectric power 120
research plate tectonics 148
research population change 40
research pyramids 343
research stories about stars 445
research a time period 223
research the Underground Railroad 371
research water use 102
report on a volcano 147
retell a personal narrative 169
tell about traditions 58
write a how-to article 191
write about China 83
almanac 119
collect data 40
credit sources 371
dictionary 21, 39, 57, 109, 202, 223, 269, 415, 424, 451, 465, 487
evaluate information 147
frame questions 148
generate questions 269
glossary 192
Internet 40, 58, 102, 119, 120, 169, 191, 246, 269, 319, 343, 371, 393, 415, 445, 465
index 192
note cards 83
present information 40, 58, 102, 119, 147, 148, 191, 192, 223, 246, 269, 297, 319, 343, 393, 445, 465, 487, 536, 557
research 40, 58, 83, 102, 119, 120, 147, 148, 169, 170, 191, 192, 223, 246, 269, 297, 319, 343, 344, 371, 393, 415, 445, 465, 487, 488, 491, 536, 557
thesaurus 101
use multiple sources 120
Connect Across the Curriculum 20–23, 38–41, 56–59, 82–85, 100–103, 118–121, 146–149, 168–171, 190–193, 222–225, 244–247, 268–271, 296–299, 318–321, 342–345, 370–373, 392–395, 414–417, 444–447, 464–467, 486–489, 512–515, 534–537, 556–559
Content Library 1, 61, 63, 123, 125, 195, 197, 273, 275, 347, 349, 419, 421, 491, 493, 561
Health and Science