Career and Life Skills
Connect Across the Curriculum 26–29, 50–53, 72–75, 106–109, 130–133, 160–162, 196–199, 216–219, 236–239, 266–269, 290–293, 314–317, 346–349, 366–369, 384–387, 416–419, 442–445, 462–465, 492–495, 522–525, 542–545, 570–573, 590–593, 622–625
Health and Science
explore animal adaptations 108
report on Lithuania 442
find area 73
Social Science
collect data on cultural foods 28
compare texts across time 523
deliver a persuasive speech 592
deliver a problem-solution presentation 238
discuss different viewpoints 52
explore dragons across cultures 161
express your views 218
give an informative speech about change 543
learn about primates 386
plan a community 132
role-play an interview 291
report about names of places 27
Research & Writing
Write About the Guiding Question
consider how people provide food 621
explore conflict and bravery 441
explore conflict and understanding 415
explore the decision point 49
explore fairness 491
explore fairness for all 521
explore feeding our communities 589
explore feeding the world 569
explore how people help animals 365
explore identity 25
explore living with conflict 461
explore our precious world 383
explore our valuable environment 345
explore personal decisions 71
explore taking action 541
explore what it takes to survive 129
explore what it takes to survive a rival 105
explore what it takes to win 159
reflect on making a difference 195
Writing & Grammar